
The Chatelaine is the office in charge of Newcomers’ Liaisons. That means the Chatelaine can help you find answers or direction on any questions you might be having, so please ask if you’d like assistance.

The Chatelaine’s primary responsibility is the care and feeding of newcomers.

  • Sometimes the Chatelaine also coordinates the group’s demos, and/or maintains the group’s phone list.
  • But the recruiting and welcoming functions are paramount.
  • For more information on the chatelaine’s duties, as well as on recruitment and retention of new members, see the section on those subjects.
  • There is a Chatelaine’s report form; if your group has a chatelaine, that person should be reporting to you and to the Kingdom Chatelaine.

If you are interested in the position or would like to learn, please contact the Chatelaine for further information..