Social Media/Webminister

Social MediaLady Jora Dolgfinnsdottir

Branch Social Media Officers are responsible for providing assistance to other Branch Officers in creating and updating events for local branch activities such as fighter practices, and guild meetings.

Branch/Regional Social Media Officers should submit quarterly reports to the Kingdom Social Media Officer quarterly. Reports should include any projects, news or successes, as well as, any challenges.

Approved Platforms

Social Media is ever-evolving and growing constantly. We have approved platforms that are used for social media.

The KSMO must be informed and keep a current listing of any/all new groups’ social media sites/outlets. Each group is required to maintain an Official Facebook Page. Each group is encouraged to have an Official Facebook group.

Current Official Approved Platforms:

  • – Facebook
  • – Twitter
  • – Instagram
  • – Google +
  • – Meetup
  • – Pinterest


Additional information is located on the Kingdom’s Social Media webpage.

WebministerTHLady Juliana verch Hoell

The webminister reports to the Kingdom Webminister and is responsible, directly or indirectly, for:

  • Publishing the group’s website in accordance with SCA requirements.
  • Maintenance of web pages Filing, accurate, and timely reports to the Kingdom Chronicler and group seneschal.
  • The Shire Webminister oversees design, publishing, and maintenance of the Shire website and its subdomains. The Webminister also helps to monitor and maintain the groups Social Media accounts including but not limited to accounts such as Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram.   
  • The webminister works with the other Shire Officers in the timely upload and distibuishment of annoucements that are pertinent to the group and of interest to newcomers and other members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) outside of our local area.  

The Webminister reports to the Kingdom Webminister on a quarterly basis.